Friday, 17 January 2014

Unboxing Stories for Documenting a Brand’s journey

Unboxing is a fun experience for a lot of people. There’s a thrill that comes with opening packaging that really shines, and gets people excited for what’s inside.

Did you know that packaging can also be used as a storytelling medium? Using the right packaging features will connect with customers emotionally, and really enhance their experience on so many levels.

Here, we’ll go over some of the ways to unbox stories that will use packaging to tell the brand’s journey, and also what you can do in order to really unbox and let it shine. 

The Features for Unboxing Story Packaging 

There’s a lot of unboxing stories that get exciting as it goes along. People love to open up stuff and find out more about the packaging that’s in there.

Sequential layers is a good way to start. Some brands may include some verbiage on there, to get customers engrossed in the packaging. Adding different textures and layers are pretty good, as it offers them a chance to really shine and see what’s inside.

The other one is printed narratives. Having some explanations and information in place will really shine, enhancing the situation in its own way. Many times, people will enjoy the stories, and printed narratives that come with this.

Showing the visual timeline is another.   An idea of what the packaging goes through to get from there, to the customer’s hand is all the more exciting. Giving someone a visual to see how things are really enhances the experience, showing them exactly just what kinds of unboxing experiences they can go through.

The applications 

There’s a lot of applications that come with unboxing stories. 

The first, is luxury items, as there’s a lot of good, luxury items that will really enhance the experience. Adding luxury goods is fun too, since it tells people a little bit about what’s going on, and how the packaging got to where it is today.

Artisanal products are another. Packaging, that's an art form, is always exciting. Many people love this, because they get to see from the inception to completion, just how you got to this place.

Eco Friendly brands also thrive with this. they get to show off how their packaging differs, giving customers an experience that’s sustainable, and fun for everyone. 

The Benefits 

There's a lot of benefit to this type of unboxing packaging.   For the most part, unboxing stories give customers an idea of the type of brand a packaging provider is.   This depends on the loyalty of the brand, and also enhances the shareability of the time across various social platforms. A lot of brands thrive when they can show off their items to different social media sites, and engage customers with the item in its own unique way.

You’d be surprised at how much this makes you stand out. Giving customers stories makes things more fun, and exciting for everyone. 

The Applications for the Future 

Obviously, we get a lot out of unboxing stories, and so much excitement to be had. 

There’s even more too. One of the most common is augmented reality, or AR, in order to create immersive unboxing stories. People can deep-dive into some of the unique AR features, and really have an immersive, unboxing experience right at their fingertips, through their phone. 

It's impressive, and you’ll be happy that you did this, especially with some of the unique features that come with this. It makes brands of all kinds stand out, and helps to improve the relatability of a brand with a customer, both old and new as well.

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